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Bank of Canada Rate Announcement Jan 25th, 2023

Diane Buchanan • Jan 25, 2023

Bank of Canada increases policy interest rate by 25 basis points, continues quantitative tightening.


Media Relations

Ottawa, Ontario

January 25, 2023

The Bank of Canada today increased its target for the overnight rate to 4½%, with the Bank Rate at 4¾% and the deposit rate at 4½%. The Bank is also continuing its policy of quantitative tightening.

Global inflation remains high and broad-based. Inflation is coming down in many countries, largely reflecting lower energy prices as well as improvements in global supply chains. In the United States and Europe, economies are slowing but proving more resilient than was expected at the time of the Bank’s October Monetary Policy Report (MPR). China’s abrupt lifting of COVID-19 restrictions has prompted an upward revision to the growth forecast for China and poses an upside risk to commodity prices. Russia’s war on Ukraine remains a significant source of uncertainty. Financial conditions remain restrictive but have eased since October, and the Canadian dollar has been relatively stable against the US dollar.

The Bank estimates the global economy grew by about 3½% in 2022, and will slow to about 2% in 2023 and 2½% in 2024. This projection is slightly higher than October’s.

In Canada, recent economic growth has been stronger than expected and the economy remains in excess demand. Labour markets are still tight: the unemployment rate is near historic lows and businesses are reporting ongoing difficulty finding workers. However, there is growing evidence that restrictive monetary policy is slowing activity, especially household spending. Consumption growth has moderated from the first half of 2022 and housing market activity has declined substantially. As the effects of interest rate increases continue to work through the economy, spending on consumer services and business investment are expected to slow. Meanwhile, weaker foreign demand will likely weigh on exports. This overall slowdown in activity will allow supply to catch up with demand.

The Bank estimates Canada’s economy grew by 3.6% in 2022, slightly stronger than was projected in October. Growth is expected to stall through the middle of 2023, picking up later in the year. The Bank expects GDP growth of about 1% in 2023 and about 2% in 2024, little changed from the October outlook.

Inflation has declined from 8.1% in June to 6.3% in December, reflecting lower gasoline prices and, more recently, moderating prices for durable goods. Despite this progress, Canadians are still feeling the hardship of high inflation in their essential household expenses, with persistent price increases for food and shelter. Short-term inflation expectations remain elevated. Year-over-year measures of core inflation are still around 5%, but 3-month measures of core inflation have come down, suggesting that core inflation has peaked.

Inflation is projected to come down significantly this year. Lower energy prices, improvements in global supply conditions, and the effects of higher interest rates on demand are expected to bring CPI inflation down to around 3% in the middle of this year and back to the 2% target in 2024.

With persistent excess demand putting continued upward pressure on many prices, Governing Council decided to increase the policy interest rate by a further 25 basis points. The Bank’s ongoing program of quantitative tightening is complementing the restrictive stance of the policy rate. If economic developments evolve broadly in line with the MPR outlook, Governing Council expects to hold the policy rate at its current level while it assesses the impact of the cumulative interest rate increases. Governing Council is prepared to increase the policy rate further if needed to return inflation to the 2% target, and remains resolute in its commitment to restoring price stability for Canadians. 

Information note

The next scheduled date for announcing the overnight rate target is March 8, 2023. The Bank will publish its next full outlook for the economy and inflation, including risks to the projection, in the MPR on April 12, 2023.

Read the January 25th, 2023 Monetary Policy Report.

Mortgage Broker

By Diane Buchanan 18 Sep, 2024
If you’re going through or considering a divorce or separation, you might not be aware that there are mortgage products designed to allow you to refinance your property and buy out your ex-spouse. If you’re like most people, your property is your most significant asset and is where most of your equity is tied up. If this is the case, it’s possible to structure a new mortgage that allows you to purchase the property from your ex-spouse for up to 95% of the property’s value. Alternatively, if your ex-spouse wants to keep the property, they can buy you out using the same program. It’s called the spousal buyout program. Here are some of the common questions people have about the program. Is a finalized separation agreement required? Yes. To qualify, you’ll need to provide the lender with a copy of the signed separation agreement, which clearly outlines asset allocation. Can the net proceeds be used for home renovations or pay off loans? No. The net proceeds can only buy out the other owner’s share of equity and/or pay off joint debt as explicitly agreed upon in the finalized separation agreement. What is the maximum amount that you can access through the program? The maximum equity you can withdraw is the amount agreed upon in the separation agreement to buy out the other owner’s share of the property and/or retire joint debts (if any), not exceeding 95% loan to value. What is the maximum permitted loan to value? The maximum loan to value is the lesser of 95% or the remaining mortgage + the equity required to buy out other owner and/or pay off joint debt (which, in some cases, can total < 95% LTV. The property must be the primary owner-occupied residence. Do all parties have to be on title? Yes. All parties to the transaction have to be current registered owners on title. Your solicitor will be required to confirm this with a title search. Do the parties have to be a married or common-law couple? No. Not only will the spousal buyout program support married and common-law couples who are divorcing or separating, but it’s also designed for friends or siblings who need an exit from a mortgage. The lender can consider this on an exception basis with insurer approval. In this case, as there won’t be a separation agreement, a standard clause will need to be included in the purchase contract to outline the buyout. Is a full appraisal required? Yes. When considering this type of mortgage, a physical appraisal of the property is required as part of the necessary documents to finalize the transaction. While this is a good start to answering some of the questions you might have about getting a mortgage to help you through a marital breakdown, it’s certainly not comprehensive. When you work with an independent mortgage professional, not only do you get a choice between lenders and considerably more mortgage options, but you get the unbiased mortgage advice to ensure you understand all your options and get the right mortgage for you. Please connect anytime; it would be a pleasure to discuss your needs directly and provide you with options to help you secure the best mortgage financing available. Also, please be assured that all communication will be held in the strictest of confidence.
By Diane Buchanan 17 Sep, 2024
In Budget 2024, the Canadian government introduced significant changes to help first-time homebuyers by extending mortgage amortization periods up to 30 years for those purchasing newly built homes. Effective August 1, 2024, this change will help ease monthly mortgage payments, making homeownership more accessible. Key Eligibility Criteria for First-Time Buyers: First-Time Buyer Status: At least one borrower must qualify as a first-time homebuyer, meaning they have either never owned a home, haven't lived in a home they owned in the past four years, or recently went through a marriage breakdown. Newly Built Homes: The property must be a newly constructed home that has never been occupied. These extended mortgages will only apply to high-ratio mortgages (loans covering more than 80% of the home’s purchase price) and are limited to owner-occupied properties. All other mortgage insurance eligibility criteria remain unchanged. CMHC’s New Amortization Rules for Market MLI and MLI Select Programs The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has also introduced changes. As of June 19, 2024, the maximum amortization period for new construction market projects will increase from 40 years to 50 years. Additionally, the maximum period for re-amortization (for default management) will extend to 55 years for loans under the MLI Select Program. These changes aim to encourage the construction of more rental housing units while managing housing affordability. CMHC’s modifications also include updates to energy efficiency criteria, lowering the maximum points from 100 to 50 based on energy efficiency, which means developers may need to shift focus toward affordable units to receive maximum benefits. Changes to "Use of Funds" and Refinancing CMHC has lifted restrictions on how refinanced funds can be used, reverting to pre-2020 rules. This allows non-approved lenders to offer bridge loans, creating more flexibility in financing options. Environmental Site Contamination Policies In response to industry practices, CMHC is reviewing its environmental site contamination policies. For now, projects with known site contamination will be accepted under conditional approval, pending a contamination-free site confirmation. Why These Changes Matter For first-time homebuyers, the ability to spread mortgage payments over 30 years is a welcome relief in today’s housing market, particularly for newly built homes. These changes are designed to improve housing affordability and supply, especially for younger Canadians looking to purchase their first home. Meanwhile, CMHC’s new rules around extended amortizations and energy efficiency adjustments will have a significant impact on developers, especially those focused on building rental properties or using energy-efficient technologies in their projects. If you're considering buying a home or developing a property, these changes could impact your strategy. To fully understand how these updates may apply to your situation, it's important to consult with a mortgage expert who can offer personalized advice. Want to know how these changes could affect your home buying or property development plans? Book a call with a mortgage expert today to explore your options!
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